Faculty of Science @ Unibuc - 150 years

The year 2013 marks the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Faculty of Sciences, one of the initial three faculties of the University of Bucharest. The faculty was founded in 1863, joined the University of Bucharest in 1864 (when the University was founded), and in 1866 it was split into the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Physical and Natural Sciences. To cut the history short, the faculty went through many further splits and changes, until it became in 2001 the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (FMI).

With this occasion, my colleagues from FMI are organising, from August 29 to September 1, an anniversary conference, taking place between. The programme of the conference consists in talks given by researchers from all over the world, some of them with remarkable careers, that graduated from FMI (or its ancestor-faculties). I strongly recommend any of the readers of this post (that are in Bucharest in that period) to attend the conference.

I was much honoured to be also invited to give a talk at this conference, in the computer science track. In my talk, entitled Hidden structures in words, I will present parts of my current work on combinatorics and algorithmics on words, including the results of my recent papers from STACS 2013 and CiE 2013.

I am ending this post looking forward for the talks given by the others invited speakers, as well as hoping to meet some of the Romanian readers of this post at the conference.

Update: The official programme of the (entire) conference can be found at this link. The programme of the computer science track of the conference can be seen here. There is also a document containing all the abstracts of the talks.